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Last Friday, Jan. 24, we meet online to discuss the findings of the “Autonomous Stores” project. We were joined by the project’s consultants – Prof. Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University) and Prof. Jonathan Gray (King’s College) as well as Mukul Patel (Royal College of Art London) – who presented their views on the project’s findings as […]
You are all invited to attend the final workshop of the “Autonomous Stores” project. It will be held online and is open to all. We’ll be joined by project consultants Prof. Lucy Suchman and Prof. Jonathan Gray as well as Mukul Patel, an artist working on AI. We’re also excited that a few of the […]
The book chapter we submitted in September has been accepted for publication. It is titled “Smartness as a new paradigm for retail? Sociotechnical imaginaries of autonomous stores in the media” by Viseu, Pereira & Delicado. It will be out in 2025! As soon as we can, we will publish it here too.
Our paper titled, “Data revolution in the retail sector – Sociotechnical imaginaries of autonomous stores” was accepted for presentation at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Academy of Political Economy. The even will take place in Coimbra from Jan. 30 to Feb. 1st, 2025. We´re excited to be able to attend!! Conf. URL:
And, we’re live at the “Once Upon a Byte: Bridging Collective Imaginary and Technology” with a presentation titled “What makes a store smart and autonomous? A media analysis of sociotechnical imaginaries”
Next weekend we will present project results at the “Once Upon a Byte: Bridging Collective Imaginaries and Technology” conference. It is organized by Italian colleagues from the Universita San Raffaele Roma and will be held via zoom. We’re looking forward to it!
O primeiro sumário de investigação (research brief) do projecto está agora disponível online. Este sumário descreve a investigação que temos vindo a fazer e principais resultados até Outubro de 2024. Pode fazer o download em Português aqui ou então em Inglês aqui
Our first research brief describing the project’s findings until October 2024 is now live! You can download it here in English or here in Portuguese.
We went to Slovenia (ECREA) to present the results of our media analysis of autonomous stores imaginaries. The presentation was conducted by the PI and was very well received! (Ljubljana, 24-27 September)
The summer has ended and we’re back in business! We have submitted a book chapter for peer review on our analysis of the sociotechnical imaginaries of autonomous stores present in media (Portugal, and select venues from UK and US). More info as soon as we know more!
We presented at the 16th Conference of the European Sociology Association (ESA) that had as its theme “Tension, Trust and Transformation”. The paper was presented by the PI with the company of team member, Ana Delicado in the “Science and Technology” research section. There were numerous questions and a lively discussion!(27-30 August, Porto, Portugal)
After a very, very busy couple of months we have ended the data collection process!! We conducted 17 interviews and have a lot of really interesting data. Let the data analysis begin!
We presented a poster with preliminary results of the media analysis at the “XV Congreso Español de Sociología: SociologíaParaLaSociedadDigital” organized by the Federación Española de Sociología. The poster was presented by the project’s research assistant and was a big success! (26-29 June in Seville)
We are pleased to announce that our team will be presenting project results at numerous international conferences in the coming months! We saw our papers accepted at the following conferences:
On April 12th 2024, team members Ana Viseu and João Pedro Pereira led an online discussion on the topic of how to think critically about infrastructures and surveillance as part of the “Digital Technology & Society” Reading Group organized by Jussara Rowland and Ana Delicado (from ICS). It was a wonderful opportunity to think about […]
The Information published a truly interesting story stating that Amazon’s supposed AI-powered, seamless, friction-less ‘Just Walk Out’ system was actually supported by humans who reviewed videos and conducted what researchers are calling ‘AI impersonation’. Amazon is reported to stop using its system (but other media claim it will still sell it to third parties). We’ll […]
In March 2024, we produced a report detailing the project’s ongoing development and progress. You can read and download it here.
We have collected 142 articles from Portuguese media sources (generalist and specialized) as well as the New York Times (USA), The Guardian (UK) and Wired Magazine (USA). We are now coding these articles and soon we’ll start our thematic analysis of the ‘sociotechnical imaginaries of autonomous stores’ that we’ll present at numerous conferences in the […]